Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fun facts

My first fun fact about Thomas Jefferson is that he build University of Virginia. when Thomas Jefferson was young politician his biggest beliefs was education and freedom. As he got older he knew that everybody did could not have education like himself.He actually drafted a bill saying that every child should have at least 3yrs. of education. Due to his beleifs this is how he became govenor of Virginia in 1781. Creating University of Virginia was his biggest accomplishments after he retired. . He also wrote a novel called " Summary View of the rights in British America".My second fun fact is that Thomas Jefferson is that rumors began spreading that he had sexual encounters with one of his slaves . He also fathered the child. The slave name was Sally Hemmings, their son Madison Hemmings claimed that Jefferson was his father. Later it became true through some blood test.

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Who baught the Louisiana Purchase???